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This site includes information on potentially qualified use of funds under the U.S. Treasury regulations


Hunterdon County
American Rescue Fund

Hunterdon County, Local Fiscal Recovery Action Plan 
The County of Hunterdon was recently awarded nearly $24 million in funding under the American Rescue Plan (Public Law No. 117-2) that was signed into law on March 11, 2021 by President Biden.  The financial resources allocated to Hunterdon County, by U.S. Treasury rules, will be distributed in two tranches and must be obligated by December 31, 2024.
Hunterdon County’s allocation of funding was determined under a formula contained within the law that distributed money to state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments.  In total, $350 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds were contained within the American Rescue Plan for distribution to the previously mentioned governmental entities.  The Hunterdon County Commissioner Board is committed to ensuring that American Rescue Plan monies are used in an efficient and equitable manner that addresses priorities which are consistent with the intent of the law.

The County of Hunterdon, it's Board of Commissioners, and numerous public stakeholders are working collaboratively in an ongoing effort to allocate the American Rescue Fund dollars in the most meaningful manner possible for the people of the County.

Please see the helpful interactive chart below with supporting documentation and important links for the American Rescue Plan.

When Treasury announces the Final Rules, the document will be updated here

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